*Incentives are provided by ETC Institute, the firm conducting the household travel data collection on behalf of PAG. Please contact ETC with any questions regarding incentives.
For the Household Travel Study and Assessment, we are seeking to collect household travel data from all members of your family to gain insights into travel patterns in the region. For every household member who participates using the smartphone application, "American Travel Survey," a $20 gift card will be awarded. Additionally, a $5 reward will be given to each family member who participates in the survey without using the app. For example, if your household has five members, and three use the app while two do not, your total household reward would be $70.
PAG develops various transportation plans, including a federally required, long-range regional transportation plan. This plan identifies anticipated projects and anticipated funding sources for improvements to the regional transportation network over a 25- to 30-year period. Improvements may include freeways, regional corridors, bus and rail, bike paths and sidewalks, and ridesharing. The data gathered from this survey will help inform long-term regional transportation planning and regional air quality.
If you don't have a household PIN, you can download the smartphone app via the appropriate link below, or contact us via LiveChat or call 1-844-755-8511.
A Survey that Serves your Community
Household Travel Surveys are different than other surveys. These surveys make real changes where you live. Your input will improve the lives of the people you care about AND you get *paid for that input!
Pima Association of Governments (PAG) is currently conducting a household travel survey in the Pima County area.
PAG has contracted with ETC Institute and their household travel division known as the "American Travel Survey" to administer this survey.
The results will be used by PAG and local officials to plan future transportation improvements in the area.
Information provided will be used for research purposes and kept confidential, except as provided by the Public Information Act.